Why Leonardo?
Science is about discovering how our world works. The quest to find the answers always begins with a question. Leonardo da Vinci wrote, "Learn how to see," another word for observation. Finally, exploration in experiments, data collection and Discovery.
Leonardo da Vinci changed our world because he possessed to attributes: Curiosity and he learned to ask the right questions. Learn more about him--->
Emerging Technologies
AI, VR, AR, and MR are all emerging technologies, and there a lot more. If you are taking CTE courses you are already getting hands-on experience in your interested field. The video below showcases 10 emerging technologies already being used.
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More Portals to Explore

The Science of Art

The Science of Patterns
About us
The Academy of Leonardo’s Apprentice (A.L.A.) is a 501(c)3 non-profit educational foundation that was designed to collaborate with public & private educational institutions, as well as, homeschooling groups to improve the quality of science and engineering education. We advocate for student achievement, create programs to improve student and teacher performance and raise funds for scholarships, grants, and teacher recognition.